Many of the pictures are courtesy of Cheryl Meyer and retired Prof. Ron Roehl. You may also click on the slide show in order to access directly the Picasa album for additional features (e.g., seeing the pictures larger, ordering pictures for printing, etc.).

You may scroll down to the bottom of this blog page to see two different views of the live web cams focused on the building site!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Video: Flatwork


Perspective Views

Photos courtesy of Prof. Ron Roehl who writes:

No drilling today. They may have finished until the tests are in.

More concrete poured in front and a small side section by the lab rooms.

The building is solidified with the addition of roof sheeting and some wall sheeting.

I have tried to give perspective pictures from different angles. Some were taken from upstairs in Ingram Hall.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

First Sidewalk Poured

Pictures courtesy of Prof. Ron Roehl who writes:

Pouring the front walkway today. They can pour if the temperature is around 10 degrees or above.

The carpenters are solidifying everything they have up before they go any higher. That means that they will be working on the South end to get the walls in and the rafters on that end before they do too much more on this the Reim Hall end.

Drillers are at it today. I do not know how many are left to do.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Rafter Update - Nov. 19, 2008

Photos courtesy of Prof. Ron Roehl who writes:

Two rigs going today again. They have about 12 wells to go until all the tests are in to see if they need more wells because they are not as deep as they first anticipated. They are hitting granite at about 145 feet and will not try to drill that. They would rather do extra wells than try to go deeper. They can probably drill the first 140 feet in an hour and a half and then several hours to get a few feet into the granite.

Xcel is here putting in gas line as you can see. They went from the road across the south side of the building up along the east side to the corner you see them digging in.

Rafter work proceeds as you can see from the cam shots. ... As I write they have about 2 to go toward Reim Hall. Looking good.

Cement job went well yesterday and they had to work late to get it done. Xcel put in some large lamps for that pour. I don't know if that was for just light or heat also.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

More Slab

Photos courtesy of Prof. Ron Roehl who writes:

Drilling with two rigs. (No pics of that)

Pouring the slab area. They worked themselves into a corner.

Lots of trusses are up, but a lot to go yet.


Monday, November 17, 2008

Video: Gas Lines and Geothermal Wells



Photos courtesy of Prof. Ron Roehl who writes:

They had about 17 wells done at noon today. Slow start because all was pretty well frozen up this morn.

They are going to _/*try*/_ for the slab tomorrow even though it will be cold. The walkways will come later according to a workman.

The cam gives a good look at the rafters, but I sent a few shots the cam can't quite get. As you can see they are past the hallway and are still working as I write this at 4:30.



Friday, November 14, 2008

Video: Installing Trusses


Walls - Nov. 14, 2008


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Walls - Nov. 13, 2008

Photos courtesy of retired Prof. Ron Roehl who writes:

Unable to pour today. They are ready for tomorrow but it doesn't look good. Hoping for Monday.

The pile of walls inside are for the south slab as soon as it poured.

Two drillers going today. Slurry is captured as you see and there is a fire hose running down the hill past the gym and over the hill to take away some of the slurry.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Walls - Nov. 12, 2008

Photos courtesy of retired Prof. Ron Roehl who writes:

Drilling going on today. They are trapping the slurry for now. I guess they plan to separate it somewhat and then pump on down to the holding tanks. From there we do not know.

The black piles are the tubes that go down into the geothermal wells. The bags are the mix that the wells are filled with after the tubes are inserted.

The other pics are just general from the East side of the building site. Also a couple of the prep for the front entrance.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Walls - Nov. 11, 2008

Photos courtesy of retired Prof. Ron Roehl who writes:

Can't tell you much but Dave said they hoped to pour today but now the hope is for tomorrow. Meanwhile the sticks are going up with some sheeting (or is it sheathing) and the block work on the East Side progresses. If you looked real closely to the back right of the cam view, you can see that they are drilling wells today also. "Progress" is our most important product. I think GE said that first but I like it.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Video: Walls and Wells

Video courtesy of Prof. Ron Roehl


Wall Update - Nov. 10, 2008

Photos courtesy of retired Prof. Ron Roehl who writes:

You can see some of this from the cams but I thought the views from the other side might be interesting.

The stick walls are on schedule and should be completed by the end of the week.

The block walls for the music room are progressing nicely. I think this is a shelter room also. Notice how these walls will shut out a lot of light from the present classrooms. The one picture shows how close it is.

Dave says that all is on schedule or ahead and if they get a decent weather break, it should stay that way.


Friday, November 7, 2008

Some Moonlighting

Pictures courtesy of Prof. Ross Roehl who writes:

These pics show students helpers burying conduit for the fiber optic network backbone by the AC. Some worked up to four hours just because they saw a need. Pretty cool.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Walls and More Slab

Photos courtesy of Prof. Ron Roehl who reports:

Wednesday morning shows some framing.

The octopus over the roof tells us the concrete is going down.

As you can see, it is raining but they are pouring.

Covering with plastic as they go.


Monday, November 3, 2008

Walls Start Going Up!

Photos courtesy of Prof. Ron Roehl:
