Many of the pictures are courtesy of Cheryl Meyer and retired Prof. Ron Roehl. You may also click on the slide show in order to access directly the Picasa album for additional features (e.g., seeing the pictures larger, ordering pictures for printing, etc.).

You may scroll down to the bottom of this blog page to see two different views of the live web cams focused on the building site!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Logging Completed

This past week the logging necessary for the Academic Center (AC) was completed. The loggers did the work for the value of the logs. The loggers are part of a firm that owns a lumber mill. So whatever they cut is going directly to their own mill.

In addition, ILC has used the opportunity of having loggers on site to take out a number of other trees whose removal was not required for the AC building itself. These trees are also being removed at no cost to ILC and what would be their annual operating budget.

So not only are we saving $5K-$10K on the AC by not including this as part of the bid package, ILC (and thus the CLC) is saving perhaps another $1-$5K on general tree removal expenses on campus.

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